Use Protobuf (iOS)



  1. Google官方Protobuf项目,官方文档
  2. 通过Homebrew安装,brew install protobuf


  • 用这个版本 安装会覆盖掉brew protobuf
  • 第二个方法支持iOS,看这里

Get the Script

git clone build-protobuf

Performing the Build

$ cd build-protobuf
$ ./

Add --interactive to the above script if you would like the script to stop after each major operation. This makes it easier to inspect the output from the various steps for potential errors.

Add --master if you would prefer to build from the master branch in the Google Protobuf git repo.


Build results are found in a folder called protobuf-{version}, where {version} will be either 2.6.1 or master. This folder contains bin, include and lib folders.

Integration with Xcode

Create a build rule in your Xcode project with the following settings.

Process *Source files with names matching:* `*.proto`
Using *Custom script:*

${SRCROOT}/Google/protobuf/bin/protoc --proto_path=${INPUT_FILE_DIR} ${INPUT_FILE_PATH} --cpp_out=${DERIVED_FILE_DIR}

Output Files